Here's the fruit market, just a few steps from school.
What should we buy? Keep in touch to see...
This is my class of postgraduates taking elective English. They're my only class so far.
I only have one class currently because my other two class groups are freshmen. All freshmen in China start out college with a month of military training. I won't see my freshmen until the second week in October, after fall holiday.
Good to see you again!
Okay, let's cut through the park. This is a nice little scenic area in the middle of campus.
Yep, there's the pagoda. That's the stereotypical image of China, but it's a form of arcitecture that isn't used much anymore, except in a decorative sense. There's seats inside, kind of like a gazebo, and it's surrounded by a pond with lilypads. At night, the pagoda lights up like a christmas tree.
This is the campus statue. It's name is something like "morning dew" or "dew and sunrise." My name for it is "It's so hot in Wuhan even the statue sweats."
Behind it is building #2, where I have just one class. This is the sight you see when you come in the front gates.
You have to go? Okay. Thanks for walking with me! I'll see you again soon.
"Yes, yes, Christense, it's all very well and good with the buildings, but how about some people?" Well, I'm working on it. This is reflective of my experience here, first I have to acclimate myself to my surroundings before I can begin building relationships with people. Soon!
Here we are in the main room. There's the dining area. Sorry it's a bit messy. I just moved in, you know.
Here's that English language magazine I bought when I took a walk and got caught in the rainstorm. It's interesting reading.
Here's the living room area. The refrigerator is out here because there's not enough room in the kitchen.
And here's my's also a futon.